Xfinity Gateway vs. Own Modem: Everything You Need to Know

xfinity gateway vs own modem

There are so many things between the Xfinity gateway and your modem. For example, the two devices have some similarities and differences. Both perform the same function but use different frequencies, among others. Before using the two devices, first, learn the installation process. Also, research on the genuine place that sells the devices such as … Read more

How Do You Get Rid of the Sewer Smell in Your House?

how do you get rid of sewer smell in your house

The odor of untreated sewage is not only annoying, but it can also be harmful to one’s health. For instance, causing shortness of breath and worsening respiratory problems, and allergic reactions. Its odor can result from a lack of water in the sink trap. Water serves as a deterrent, preventing toxic sewage gasses from entering … Read more