How to Connect a Thermostat to Alexa-Easy Ways

A thermostat is a device that controls the temperature of a particular area or room to be constant. At the same time, Alexa is an app that mainly uses voice to operate by raising or lowering the temperature of a thermostat. The connection between the thermostats to Alexa helps an individual have an easier time controlling the temperature of different rooms in the house.

However, most people prefer using the Alexa application to regulate the temperature of each room. An Alexa uses the voice command it hears to carry out the activities one administers to perform.

Connecting a thermostat to Alexa software is simple as long as you follow the recommended steps. However, before establishing the connection, have a complete understanding of how both thermostat and Alexa software function. The information below shows the best steps to follow to connect a thermostat to the Alexa software.

Steps on how to connect a thermostat to Alexa

how to connect a thermostat to alexa

i. Create an account with the thermostat

First, create an account in the thermostat. Creating an account helps Alexa to identify their users. When creating an account, consider generating a strong password and username.

ii. Download and install Alexa software on your android

After creating an account in the thermostat, download and install Alexa software on your android device. After downloading the Alexa software, install it on the phone for easy accessibility. When downloading Alexa software, ensure you download the recommended Alexa software with high reviews.

iii. Open the Alexa Software menu

Open the Alexa application menu in the android phone and create an account in the Alexa software. First, open the games and skills in the menu and select the type of thermostat to connect to Alexa.

iv. Sign in to Alexa

Using the credentials in the account creation with the thermostat, log into the Alexa software application on your android device.

v. Establish the connection between the thermostat and Alexa

Before adding the type of thermostat to connect to the Alexa, the Alexa first scans the available thermostats. Then, after scanning the thermostat, Alexa gives out an opportunity to add the available device.

Alexa software has a menu with options for adding new devices. For example, add your thermostat by clicking the “adding device” button. Adding the thermostat establishes a connection between the thermostat and the Alexa software in your android device.

vi. Login to the thermostat account

After adding the thermostat to Alexa software, log in to the account in the thermostat using the credentials in the account creation. Then, allow the thermostat to communicate with Alexa and connect successfully.   

vii. Enable the Alexa software to take control of the thermostat

Locate the Alexa and enable it to control the thermostat. Use Alexa to control the temperature of different rooms while staying in one room. Also, you can use the Alexa voice to regulate the temperature of other rooms or the car engine.

After connection, Alexa will notify the Android home screen showing the link in the thermostat is successful. Alexa can still control the thermostat using the buttons it has that are on the phone’s screen.

viii. Set up a routine in the Alexa

Use Alexa to set the daily routine of the thermostat so that it can work in case an individual is not available at a time. The Alexa can read and raise or lower the temperature using the speaker in the Alexa so long as the connection between the thermostat account and the one with the Alexa is available.

What types of thermostats work with Alexa

What types of thermostats work with Alexa

a) Nest thermostat

Nest thermostat is a kind of thermostat that is beautiful and attracts people; hence mostly people love using it in the house. The Nest thermostat is easier to connect to the Alexa house, meaning it is the most reliable thermostat, but it does not have sensors like the Ecobee.

b) Ecobee 4 smart thermostat

Like the Nest thermostat, Ecobee 4 smart thermostat has almost the same features, but it has more distinct features. In that, the Ecobee smart thermostat has a sensor that helps you talk to your thermostat directly with the presence of the Alexa.

The Ecobee thermostat has features according to the new technology and hence has many advantages; for example, it produces faster operations. In addition, the Alexa is inside the thermostat and has a sensor. The sensor detects temperature changes and the presence of an object in the room.

c) Honeywell thermostats

Honeywell thermostat is a traditional thermostat that was here for years before the generation of the Nest and Ecobee. It is the cheapest of all thermostats, and anyone can afford to purchase one in a house.

d) Glas smart thermostat

A Glas smart thermostat is a unique kind of thermostat that controls the temperatures and controls air quality in a room. Beautiful external interfaces attract individuals. It is also large enough to produce a clear display to read the temperatures.

Frequently asked questions:

  • How long does the connection between an Alexa and a thermostat take?

The connection between the thermostat and an Alexa takes much time to disconnect since it depends on the user’s desires. If the owner feels like the Alexa is doing well, then one cannot terminate the connection, but when the owner feels like the Alexa is not working well, then one can terminate the connection.

  • Must an internet connection be available to connect a thermostat to an Alexa?

When connecting the thermostat to an Alexa, one needs an internet connection because you are to download the Alexa software and install it, which requires the help of the internet.


Connecting thermostats to an Alexa helps control the temperatures of the house. The Alexa device makes all this more manageable since it orders commands by word of mouth. So when choosing a thermostat to use, consider purchasing a thermostat that can connect to Alexa easily.

 Finally, when connecting a thermostat to an Alexa, consider following the step in the article above to connect a thermostat to Alexa software. Also, remember to follow the manufacturer’s guide too in some situations to avoid damaging the devices. Finally, if the connection persists, consider consulting a professional technician to help you create a connection between your thermostat and the Alexa application.

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