Using Ecobee Remote Sensors to Implement Multiple Zones

Ecobee thermostats contain multiple indications that you may wish to adjust. Adjusting your thermostat depends on the reason why you want to change the ecobee thermostat. For instance, you can make the appearance of the thermostat or even change its functioning. Adjustments include the lightness of the thermostat, functioning of the thermostat, which is heating and cooling, finally, time which the ecobee sensor can hold substances.

Ecobee thermostats use sensors to read and regulate temperature depending on the environment. The sensors allow individuals to control the thermostats and the thermostats function up to a maximum temperature range of 32 degrees. They are usually managed by touchscreen, the installed apps on your phone, and the website portals. They also allow users to set different temperatures for different activities of every day.

Ecobee room sensors

Ecobee room sensors

These are sensors that regulate temperatures and are mostly used when an individual is not at home. For you to use the sensors, they have to be installed correctly and they must be at a certain frequency range. For instance, you can regulate the temperature of the thermostat while you are in a different room.

Step by step guide on how to install ecobee remote sensor

Step by step guide on how to install ecobee remote sensor

Ecobee remote sensors are designed to be easy for the users to install, whether professionals or non-professionals. Installation only takes less time, approximately one to three minutes. The ecobee sensor features are usually obtained at the sensor menu.

  • Step 1: Check your remote sensor if it has a tab disclosing out at the back

Firstly, check well your ecobee remote sensor. The remote sensor must contain the tab that extends from the back. If your remote lacks the tab, return it to the place you bought it for exchange. The tab prevents sensor powering from the batteries.

  • Step 2: Remove the plastic tab from the back of the remote sensor

When you are ready to install the remote sensor, slowly pull the plastic tab from the back of the ecobee remote sensor and try to connect the sensor to the proper functioning thermostat.

  • Step 3: Connect the remote sensor to your thermostat.

Get your thermostat together with the ecobee remote sensor for you to connect them. Engage your thermostat screen and then remove the plastic tab from the remote sensor back and the power from the batteries will automatically power on the thermostat. The settings of the thermostat appear on the thermostat screen.

  • Step 4: Press the yes setting accepting the sensor and thermostat pairing.

Once the connection has been made, the pairing setting must appear on the screen and then press the yes to allow the thermostat and the remote sensor to pair with the thermostat. If the pairing setting fails to show up on the screen, open the remote sensor by removing the plastic tab.

Remove the battery and leave for one to two minutes. Reinstall the battery back to the remote sensor appropriately. Try again to see if the pairing settings will pop up.

  • Step 5: Choose an appropriate name that will suit your ecobee remote sensor

Decide which name to give your ecobee remote sensor. It can be your name, number, or any other as long as it suits you.

  • Step 6: Choose the function for the sensor.

For instance, you may choose any profile that suits you. You can also amend the changes and choose another profile.

  • Step 7: Finish the installation process by pressing the finish setup.

After safely finishing the installation process, it is advisable to repeat the process to obtain accuracy.

  • Step 8: Redo the process with other sensors in your place.

The process should be repeated for each ecobee remote sensor you want to install. This will help you install multiple sensors and control multiple zones.

How to make ecobee remote sensor work on multiple zones

using ecobee remote sensors to implement multiple zones

Multiple zones remote sensors allow you to adjust temperatures of different places differently. For instance, you can use separate heating and cool in separate rooms.

  • Step 1: Cover each room with different ecobee remote sensors.

Each place must have its ecobee remote sensor. The sensors must be correctly placed.

  • Step 2: Pair the ecobee remote sensors.

Pull your plastic tab from the back of the ecobee remote sensor and allow batteries to power on the thermostat. After powering on the thermostat, the settings will appear on the screen of the thermostat. Press the pair set up and pair all the sensors in the place.

  • Step 3: Set different heating and cooling temperatures for each zone.

Create different temperature settings, for example, 28 degrees downstairs, 45 degrees first floor and 69 degrees upstairs. You can also decide to set the temperatures to be the same in all the places. You can heat all the place and cool it depending on your choice while staying in the same position.

  • Step 4: Finish the pairing process.

After safely pairing all sensors in the place, press the finish setting to finish up the process. If some sensors fail to connect as required, try pairing them by repeating the process until all of them pair.

If a certain room temperature fails to change after changing the temperatures, check the sensor if it is properly installed or properly configured. If the failure persists, then the sensor might be damaged and a replacement will be required.

How many sensors can ecobee room sensors be paired?

How many sensors can ecobee room sensors be paired

Many ecobee room sensors can be paired at the same time. Up to thirty-two ecobee room sensors can be controlled together after pairing. All the installed sensors use the same thermostat and you can control them by using the thermostat, website portal, or an app that has been installed in your android.

Most of the sensors are placed in the middle of the room. Ensure that the sensors are placed in the correct positions. In most cases, it is advisable to position the room sensor while the logo of the sensor faces upwards.

How to troubleshoot an ecobee remote sensor that has failed

How to troubleshoot an ecobee remote sensor that has failed
  • Problems with sensor pairing

       i. Check your ecobee thermostat to see if it is functioning as required. Check the ecobee thermostat version since some versions are difficult to pair, especially the old versions.

     ii. Check your remote sensor battery status. The batter may be damaged, and therefore a replacement may be required, or the battery may be too low and require charging.

  iii. Try removing the battery from the remote sensor and then reinstalling it back. Wait for the power connection to terminate and try again pairing the remote sensors with the thermostat.

Steps on how to repair the ecobee remote sensor

Steps on how to repair the ecobee remote sensor
  • Step 1: Pull the cover of the battery slowly from the ecobee remote sensor.
  • Step 2: Open the ecobee remote sensor carefully and remove the battery from the back of the ecobee sensor. Use appropriate tools when removing the battery.
  • Step 3: Leave the battery to settle for around two to four minutes before placing it back.
  • Step 4: Reinstall the battery back to the ecobee remote sensor. Ensure that the battery faces the right direction. Failing to place it in its appropriate state can make the ecobee remote sensor not work appropriately.
  • Step 5: Lastly, cover the remote sensor by slowly placing back the ecobee remote sensor cover. After placing it back, try to pair the sensors to see if they are connecting. Repeat the process if the ecobee remote sensor fails to pair. Check the status of the ecobee remote sensor for any damages that may have malfunctioned the sensor.

How to change the battery of the ecobee remote sensor

How to change the battery of the ecobee remote sensor

Step 1: Using your thumb or screwdriver, slowly remove the remote battery cover from the remote. Some sensors have sensor stands while others use circular battery covers. Therefore, ensure that the remote sensor has been opened using the correct way for each.

Step 2: Remove the old battery from the battery position slowly to avoid damaging the battery and the battery area.

Step 3: After removing the old battery, gently install the new battery by inserting it into the battery slot. Push it slowly to ensure that it has fitted the battery slot correctly. Also, ensure that the battery has been placed in the correct position.

Step 4: Put the ecobee sensor battery back to its position. Confirm that the battery cover is firmly attached to the battery slot.

Step 5: Power on the sensor and check if it is working properly. If it fails to work, check the battery if it was inserted while facing the correct position.

FAQs About Using Ecobee Remote Sensors:

  • How can ecobee remote sensors detect the presence of someone in a place?

The Ecobee remote sensor has certain features that can detect if a person is in a certain room. The feature detects the presence of an individual in the room and then notifies the ecobee remote controller by switching its state from an unoccupied state to the occupied mode. The ecobee remote sensors require infrared radiation to perform the detection function.


Ecobee remote sensors are very important in our lives. They help us control multi zones without necessarily being there. In case of failure concerning ecobee remote sensors, the above information can help you troubleshoot the problem correctly. The steps above can help you install a new ecobee remote sensor, change batteries, and repair it.

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