How to Use a Wood Stove Thermometer?

Wood Stove thermometers are the analog types of thermometers that require manual regulation of the temperatures. The wood ash thermometers show a notification if the wood stove has higher temperatures that destroy the wood stove components or relatively lower temperatures that cause the wood stove to emit harmful gases to the surrounding nature. While choosing a wood stove for use, consider checking the amount of wood fuel it requires performing its task.

Therefore, while using a wood stove thermometer, follow the steps below to come up with accurate measurements for your temperatures. Remember to contact the manufacturer on how to use it and how to use the wood stove thermometer in your kitchen. Measuring wood stove temperatures is helpful as it saves the individuals income for purchasing fuel and saves the environment from pollution.

Steps on how to use a wood stove thermometer

how to use a wood stove thermometer

It is advisable to use wood stove thermometers in wood stoves to help prolong the lifespan of the woodstove. The following steps will guide on how to use a wood stove thermometer.

  • Read the manufacturer’s instructions on the wood stove thermometer

First, read, understand and follow the manufacturer’s instructions as per the manual’s directions on how to fix and use the thermometer on a wood stove. Most manufacturers recommend using wood stove thermometers for stoves that lack paint since the paints mark at the walls of the thermometer, which might interfere with its readings.

  • Design space to place the wood stove thermometer

Before using a wood stove thermometer, design a better place to set your wood stove to use the wood stove thermometer. Creating a good place helps take accurate readings of the thermometer without interference or blocking from some objects in the kitchen.

  • Place the thermometer in that particular place

Gently place the wood stove thermometer on top of the woodstove to start reading its temperatures. Maintain the wood stove thermometer in this position to record accurate measurements of the temperatures.

  • Adjust the magnet to hold the thermometer

Adjust the magnet to maintain its position in holding the wood stove thermometer while recording the temperature readings on the woodstove.

  • Read the temperatures in your wood stove

Read and record the temperatures of the woodstove. If the temperatures are lower, the wood stove thermometer is dirty and smoky, hence producing inaccurate measurements. Higher temperatures also damage the wood stove due to excessive heat; therefore, if you record higher temperatures, reduce the wood used to regulate the temperatures and maintain the woodstove.

Reasons for using a wood stove thermometer

Reasons for using a wood stove thermometer
  • Upgrades the safety of the woodstove

Using a wood stove thermometer upgrades the safety of a wood stove thermometer since the reading is visible and helps you prevent damaging the wood stove thermometer in high temperatures.

  • Protects the condition of the woodstove

A wood stove thermometer provides both higher and lower temperatures of heat. High temperatures damage the wood stove; therefore, you can see the high temperatures and reduce the heat level using a wood stove thermometer. Reducing the heat reduces the temperatures; this helps safeguard the wood stove for long-term use. In addition, if the temperatures are lower, it will raise the rate of smoke production to regulate the heat.

  • Lowers accumulation of wood ash

The wood stove thermometer gives a notification that the temperatures are either high or low. Lower temperatures increase the rate of wood ash production, which damages the woodstove. Therefore a wood stove thermometer gives the temperatures to help lower the accumulation of wood ash.

  • Decreases the amount of fuel for use

Wood Stove thermometers give the temperature of the woodstove, which eases an individual’s work in controlling the amount of fuel to use. Decreasing the amount of energy helps reduce the emissions to the toxic atmosphere and prolongs the life span of the woodstove.

  • Reduces chances of cleaning the woodstove

Chances of regular cleaning will be low since the thermometer regulates the temperatures that may cause higher rates of wood ash accumulations that are a source of the dirt to the woodstove.

Types of a wood stove thermometer

Types of a wood stove thermometer

1) Stovetop wood thermometer

Stovetop thermometers stick on the surface, and a magnet maintains that particular position for a while to read the temperatures. Stovetop wood thermometers are easy to read since they are on top of the surface.

2) Flue gas wood stove thermometer

A flue gas probe measures the temperatures of various gases in the air that spoil the environment. They are small, just like meat thermometers.

3) Catalytic wood stove thermometer

A catalytic wood stove thermometer is a type of wood stove thermometer that stoves with combustors normally use. They are specifically for use with wood stoves only. They are essential as they burn up fuel that escapes with consumption into the air, reducing harmful gases.

  • 4) Magnetic stove pipe wood stove thermometer.

Magnetic wood stove thermometers are best for use in walls in the kitchen where a magnet attaches the thermometer to the wall. Magnetic stove thermometers record temperatures quickly as they stick high above the surface.

Frequently asked questions:

  • What is the importance of using a wood stove thermometer?

A wood stove thermometer is cheap when buying; it is easy to use since it has analog requirements, which are manual. Wood Stove thermometers are essential as they are cost-effective since the replacement requirement is less than any other digital thermometers. Even though it is an analog type of thermometer for use, it is the best for use as you can manually regulate the temperatures with the amount of fuel.


The article above shows the steps of using wood stove thermometers, the reasons for using wood stove thermometers, and the type of thermometers to use for your wood stove. By following the steps carefully, you will be able to use your wood stove without complications.

If you want to use a wood stove thermometer, follow the manufacturer’s instructions and consult the wood stove manufacturer to help connect the two to come up with correct results. Also, service your wood stove regularly to improve its performance and increase its lifespan.

Wood stove thermometers are used to make sure you are effectively burning the wood in your wood stove for the maximum heating and efficiency.

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